Nobunagun Wiki
Jess Beckham
Newton 1
Name Jess Beckham
Kanji ジェス·ベッカム
Romanji Jesu· bekkamu
Gender Female
  • Human
  • E-Gene Holder
Professional Status
Affiliation DOGOO, Second Platoon
Occupation E-Gene Holder, combatant
Partner Shio, Jack and Gandhi
Status Active
E-Gene Isaac Newton
Date 1643-1727
Weapon Gravity boot
Voice Actor
Japanese Voice Yū Asakawa
English Voice Caitlin Glass
First Appearance
Anime Episode 2

Jess is an E-Gene Holder affiliated with DOGOO and a member of the Second Platoon. When she uses an AU ball, she generates a massive boot on her right foot which can alter the gravity on whatever target she steps on with it. Jess is also capable of using said boot to calculate fluctuations of mass or gravity within an undescribed range.

She is the only other female in the Second Platoon. She easily befriends Sio when the latter joins. She is the E-Gene Holder of Isaac Newton, an AU weapon that enables her to manipulate gravity with the only drawback being that the target must be under her massive right foot. She French kisses anyone, including Jack and Sio when they went to Second Platoon’s headquarters in anime episode 5.


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Newton's design

Jess is a tall, fair-skinned, somewhat muscular young woman, with blue eyes, full, glossy lips, long blonde hair that is usually seen in two braids, and a penchant for wearing pink lipstick. She dons her platoon's standard orange uniform while on duty. The color of her battle attire is blue, consisting of a long coat, boots, shorts, and red-tipped sunglasses. In combat, she often wears her hair in a single braid.


Newton's generousity

Jess is a nice person—perhaps too nice. She is primarily concerned with her beauty, taking care of her hair, makeup, nails, and lips, and she tends to apply a lot of pink lipstick. She is very educated and always in a good mood, ready to help her partners in any way she can. She enjoys seeing people around her happy and upbeat, though she can be quite intense when talking to others. Due to Newton's influence, she is friendlier than one might expect, often greeting new acquaintances with a tongue kiss, leaving pink lipstick and saliva marks behind. This behavior extends to both men and women, and notably, she has tongue kissed Sio several times. She has a peculiar habit of immediately kissing people on the mouth upon meeting them, regardless of their gender. In summary, she is a woman curious to see just how far she can push the boundaries with her French kisses.

In battles, Jess's true nature appears, becoming a more arrogant and aggressive person but also becomes an ace in combat. She is not as polite as before and enjoys fighting, smiling and shouting when she attacks. She becomes a Lady of War.


Ibukigīn Erdenbileg (Cyx)[]

These two women appear to have a strong bond, as they both took "revenge" on Sio by forcing her to bathe with them against her will.

Mahesh Mirza[]

They seem to be good friends, but they haven't been seen interacting much.

Sio Ogura[]

They have a good rapport, but there seems to be a hint of attraction from Jess towards Sio, as Jess often greets Sio with a messy French kiss. This involves sliding her lips against Sio's to stain her with pink lipstick, exchanging saliva, and forcefully slipping her tongue into Sio's mouth (which has happened with other characters but only once; however, Jess has given Sio multiple French kisses). Jess has also suffocated Sio with her breasts and even forced her to bathe together (clearly depicted in the anime).

Skill and Abilities[]

Newton's AU

Jess's AU weapon

Jess, being an E-gene holder, is capable of channeling the English physicist Isaac Newton through an AU ball and in doing so she is able to use an E-gene weapon resembling the personality/abilities of Newton, in Jess' case, she is able to a summon a gravity boot.

Newton preparing to attack

Jess preparing to attack

Jess's boot allow her to increase the gravity of whatever she stomps. She uses this ability to paralyze/crush her target or to break through various structures. As stated by her, she cannot increase the gravity of multiple enemies, being able of doing this with just one enemy at a time. Shio used Jess's gravity to increase her own gravity and lessen the recoil of her shots.


  • Newton's-3gs

    Newton applying 3g force on Shio

    3gs force: Jess used this force to lessen the recoil from Shio's gatling gun. Is the weakest force she has used so far. 

    Newton applying 5g force on an Invasion Creature

    5gs force: Is the usual force she uses. She is able to stomp and paralyze most targets with this output.